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Barb up Mast On the way to Niue, we managed to tangle the main halyard in the shrouds. Barb happily climbed the mast to set it aright, and get a nice view of the ocean.
Thanksgiving We celebrated Thanksgiving dinner with genuine Turkey (rehydrated), Mashed Potatoes (powdered), Corn (canned), and Cranberries (dried). Yum! The restaurant location was perfect!
Alofi Harbour Here's Alofi Harbour. The water deepens quickly, so we were happy to get one of the four remaining moorings. About a dozen washed away in cyclone Heta (Jan 2004).
Dinghy Landing The dinghy landing is a tall concrete wall with a ladder and some steps. Makes us glad to have a bouncy dinghy.
Bicycles on board Friends on Freebird lent us their bicycles one afternoon so we could explore up the coast a ways. Not like the Goose trail, but the drivers were all friendly.
Limestone Pillars At Togo there are amazing limestone pillars - very rugged. Nestled in one small canyon we found a sandy bottom and four palm trees.
Cave Many caves have formed in the limestone, and some have pools inside that once were reserved for royalty to bathe in.
Barb in Cave More stalactites and stalagmites. Great acoustics!
Light from Above Here (also at Togo) we are exploring a cave leading to the sea. At high tide, and with a bit more surf, the inside would be very wet.
Anniversary Celebration Niue celebrated the 30th anniversary of their constitution while we visited. There was ono pupus (lots of snacks) and drinks, accompanied by speeches and enthusiastic singing.
Golfing For Booze Part of the festivities included outdoor village fairs. Barb is getting into the spirit by golfing for booze.
Taro To us, not being experts, the taro root on display all looked pretty much the same. The judges however had the task of choosing the biggest and best.
Pirogue Race The pirogue races were very popular. The longest route was well over a kilometre and had the contestants well tired at the end. Popsicle Popsicles are expensive, but we don't get to enjoy them while at sea.
B and B Dive Niue's water is renowned for it's clarity; well over 30 meters visibility.
Lobster One cave we poked through had an abundance of lobsters.
Raccoon Butterflyfish Raccoon Butterflyfish.
Spotfin Lionfish Spotfin  Lionfish, seen from behind.
Ribbon Moray Dozens of colourful Ribbon Morays poked their heads from burrows at one dive site.
Snake We spotted many sea snakes like this one.They breathe air, but can stay below for up to 30 minutes before needing to surface again.
Twofish Though the hard corals at Niue don't have a lot of brilliant colour, the many varieties of fish make up for this.
Flying fish Here's the smallest flying fish we've ever encountered. Good for the dieters.  Octopus In our dinghy one morning we spotted this tiny octopus. It was successfully released back into the water.

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Victoria, BC
Canada  V9A 6Y3
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This page last updated 7 Jun 2020