Latest Photo S/V Freya
Photos - Touring Hawaii

The following photos are arranged chronologically, newest at the top...

steam Some places where lava is close to the surface, water percolating into the ground boils and emerges from holes as steam.
flower2 Unfortunately we can't remember the name of these flowers.
spam And you think McD's menu in North America is lacking in substance...
tri start All set for the next Ironman's Barb!
red flower Another mystery flower seen at the steam vents.  These ones grow on trees.
rainbow falls Here we are at Rainbow falls.
radio bay Radio Bay, where our boat is moored.  This shot looks toward downtown Hilo.
palms Walking into town to catch a one-dollar movie (Troy) we caught this scene near sunset.
NE coast This spot is reputed to be the best view in all the islands.  
We won't argue.  This is facing north, on the NE coast.  There was a wonderful deep valley to the left.
lizard This little lizard was hunting insects when we found it perched on a restaurant sign.  
no parking The few remaining signs of a road covered by lava.
lava wall Here's Barb perched on a wall of pahoehoe lava.  This area was only two decades old, and covered a small town and its road.
Lava Lava dropping into ocean, as seen from a reasonably safe distance :-)  
Lava As dusk arrived, the lava's eerie red glow illuminated the steam from inside...
Lava At night the view was fantastic.  Not shown, up the hillside there were hot-spots where the lava glowed too.
Lava We crossed over the underground lava tubes that brought the flow to the sea, and could feel the heat coming from the ground.
Kona Coast View of the west (Kona) side of the Big Island.  The Ironman Tri run follows this road for a long way.  Many folks have placed messages in white rocks on the black lava.
King Kamehameha King Kamehameha was a really tall, big fellow (over 7 feet) who united the islands by virtue of his impressive size and huge fleet of canoes.  This statue was perhaps 10 feet tall.
Bj Up Mast Bj getting high.  Our flag halyard was stuck, and we wanted to give the rigging a once-over to see if the crossing had caused any damage.  None found.
View From Mast Freya's deck and Barb, in a bird's eye view.  Bj will go to extremes to get some alone-time...
Banyan tree The Banyan trees are quite amazing, but are probably a logger's nightmare (ya!).

Address S/V Hoku Pa'a
1000 DeCosta Pl.
Victoria, BC
Canada  V9A 6Y3
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This page last updated 7 Jun 2020